Loving your skin

Loving your skin



Your skin is no less a miracle, and deserves to be acknowledged, understood, loved, and nurtured. Skin is a living, breathing, conscious part of the body. It extends the care it receives to the entire being. 

As the largest organ of the human body, the skin is composed of millions of cells and performs many vital functions. 

Your skin brightens when you are relaxed and happy. Conversely; it it appears drawn and ashen when you feel sad. Massaging the skin and muscles produces mood-altering chemicals in the brain, enhancing the entire emotional and physical well-being of the fortunate receiver.

The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the fatty layer. Each performs particular functions, and the health of each layer can be enhanced through special care-regimens. The outer layer of the skin is the epidermis, and it illustrates life's great circle. From the bottom of the epidermis, new skin cells form and rise; at the top, old cells slough off. The life cycle of these cells is twenty-eight to thirty days, though the cycle can be hastened by adverse conditions such as sun or windburn, abrasion, or lack of sleep.

The second layer of the skin, the dermis, contains nerves, hair follicles, elastic connective tissues, blood vessels, and oil and sweat glands. The glands work in  harmony to protect and lubricate the epidermis, and their secretions of oil, water, and salts maintain the skin's proper protective pH balance of 4.5 to 5.5.

The third layer of the skin, below the dermis, is the fatty layer, or sub skin, composed of fat and muscle tissue. It protects the top skin and the entire body from temperature changes and bacterial infections. The sub skin serves as a protective cushion for the body, and it's structural integrity is also responsible for the outer shape and form of the skin.






Conscious, Alive And Well

Your skin display as much liveliness as you do! This is why healing and nurturing the skin should begin with self-awareness. Skin problems reflect the state of your health and well-being, as well as concern for your loved ones.

Loving and nurturing the skin starts with adequate nutrition, exercise, and rest. An excellent diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fresh water nourishes the skin. Adequate vitamins and minerals, particularly the B-complex vitamins, help keep skin healthy. Regular exercise, preferably outside in nature, encourages the optimal function of the inner layers of the skin. Sufficient rest is essential, for it nurtures the skin, as well as the body and mind.. Each of these techniques of care helps relieve the stress of everyday life that so often alters the color and texture of the skin.

Be kind to your skin by avoiding the sun's ultraviolet light rays that burn and toughen the skin. Any harsh weather-hot or cold- stresses the skin. Hot showers, facials, and sauna's can shock and dry it. Air pollutants irritate the skin, and cosmetics can clog it. 

 Corrective skin care can be a intuitive and creative process. Repairing aging or damaged skin, or maintaining healthy skin, includes proper cleansing, exfoliation, moisturizing, toning, and nourishing. Love your skin, and it will return the gift by showing your health and happiness. 



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